My Services
How I Work
“Know all the theories. Master all the techniques.
But as you touch another human soul,
Be just another human soul.”
– Carl Jung

Tailored Counselling Sessions
I offer 1 to 1 talking therapy to help you process any events, circumstances or relationships that may be troubling you.
We can work together traditionally, using the talking hour.
Or our time can be as creative as you’d like it to be. Tarot has been something I’ve experimented with personally for years and now it’s integrated into my practice – for those who’d like to try.
Wellbeing Check-Ins
I believe that our mental health could be monitored and maintained more like other parts of ourselves.
We may see a nutritionist or personal trainer when we feel a little physical change could be useful, so why do we wait until things have escalated before we seek a therapists help?
I’ve designed wellbeing check-ins as an opportunity for you to air things to help prevent the build up which may lead to depression or debilitating anxiety.
I suggest these to be 2 hour sessions at the frequency you determine. Maybe you’ll only ever have one, or maybe one every six to eight weeks.
Created to be more ad-hoc than traditional counselling, and therefore not appropriate for discussing big or long-term concerns.
The free consultation for these will be only 20 minutes as opposed to the 45 minutes offered for regular counselling.

An Approach Unique to You

Tailored Counselling
We can work together traditionally, using the talking hour.
Or our time can be as creative as you’d like it to be. Tarot has been something I’ve experimented with personally for years and now it’s integrated into my practice – for those who’d like to try.

Autonomous Therapy
We will work at the pace you want, on the topics you choose and in the way you’d prefer. This isn’t to say I won’t occasionally challenge you – but your decisions will always be respected. We will work within the limits of confidentiality and I will not judge what you choose to disclose.

Holistic Approach
I work with a holistic approach as we are more than just our thoughts; body, emotion and soul (or whatever word suits you) may all feature in our work. I am trained in several different modalities, so my responses to you and your needs can be as unique as you are.


Telephone Counselling

Online Therapy Sessions

Email Therapy

Call Me Today
For a free consultation, please reach out. I respond to all emails within 2 working days.